One set of House Sparrows have fledged and are doing well – these were the ones in our recycled container nest box.
The Blue Tits have also fledged but unfortunately I haven’t seen them properly! I can hear them in the trees but they are so well hidden, which of course is a good thing. Below is the only shot I managed to take when they ventured out of the nest straight into the brambles & undergrowth. If you look really carefully through the brambles you can just make out the blurry blob of 2 baby Blueys (1 is in the middle & 1 is in the top left corner) π
The Starlings have had a good year so far. There is a flock of around 20 flying around with youngsters, very noisily! The field at the back was mowed 2 day ago and the Starlings loved it! I assume there are loads of delicious bugs & beetles for them to feed on…
The bungalow we live in has a small flat-roofed extension at the back which is in an L-shape, so we can see the flat roof when we look out of the bedroom window. How excited was I yesterday evening when I looked out and saw 4 fledged Swallows all lined up on the flat roof! Of course, by the time I ran to the other room to get my camera only 1 was still there… but that was fine with me π
I’m yet to see fledged Great Tits, Greenfinches or Goldfinches but I know they’re around somewhere…
Lovely to see all the fledglings, Greenfinch are a little scarce here it’s been a few years since i’ve seen a young one.
Thanks Pam… we used to get a big flock of Greenfinches almost every day then they stopped coming for about 4-5 months! We now have 4 that come down regularly – no sign of the youngsters though… yet π
It is always great to see the renewal of life. The fact that you can witness some of this activity from your home is a bonus.
So lovely to see all the little fledglings. Glad to hear your Greenfinches have returned – I haven’t seen one in the garden for years.
It certainly is a bonus David – I feel priveleged that the birds have chosen our garden to nest in. Thanks for your comment & dropping by π
Thanks Caroline – it’s such a shame that Greenfinches appear to be vanishing from gardens now. My mum’s garden (in the UK) is the same – she hasn’t seen one for years either.
Hi Sharon. Yes it’s a nice time of year in which to see and realise how hard birds work to raise a family. If the Blue Tits only managed two, that’s not so good.
Hi Phil – I think (hope!) the Blue Tits had more than 2! It certainly sounded like more but I could only manage to see 2 – they are so well hidden in the undergrowth & brambles. I’m keeping an eye on the landing post for when the adults start to feed in the nest again. Thanks for dropping by π
Bring it on, fantastic new life. Love it.
Thanks Bob – it’s my favourite time of year π