My plan isn’t working!  The idea was that now I’m working from home I would have more time to watch the birds in the back garden and I promised myself I would be posting on here every week- unfortunately it’s not turning out that way πŸ™

So my new plan is to post at least twice a month instead AND I’ll try to be a bit more active on the blogs I follow (which I must admit I’ve not had time to visit for a few weeks now – sorry!)

So, my first post of August is about new birds in & above my garden – both seen this morning.

This young Pied Wagtail was taking a drink out of the guttering (even though there was a perfectly good bowl of water on the garden!)

The next 2 shots were taken after hearing a screeching above the garden – it was quite high up circling into the grey mist so photos are not very good – but it’s my first ones of a Buzzard (or at least I’m assuming it’s a Buzzard)!

I’ve also seen fleeting glimpses of a Willow Warbler in the hedge outside my office window so I’m hoping to have photos of that for my next post (whenever that may be!)
