Firstly I must apologise for not posting on here since April – my business is coming to it’s 1st year anniversary & I’ve been busy preparing for exciting things π
I have still been visiting all of your blogs though, even though my commenting has also been a bit slack π
Anyway, as the title suggests, the trichomonosis has returned – this time to a Greenfinch. I just don’t understand what I’m doing wrong – all the feeders are cleaned regularly, the garden was completely tidied up after last time, so why has it come back again?
What makes it worse is that I’ve been putting out food for the past month and the garden is full of fledgling House Sparrows and Starlings, I don’t know how long the Greenfinch has been around – I only spotted it the other day – so is there any chance any of the fledglings would have caught it?
Maybe I should just give up on this garden & stop feeding altogether – can anyone offer me any advice?
Anyway, as I mentioned above, the fledglings have taken over – particularly the Starlings (the family in our roof have now left the building!), and the garden sounds like one big nursery π
Unfortunately nothing has been anywhere near our nest box – which might be a good thing if there’s diseased birds around.
We’ve also had young Goldfinches, Coal Tits, Linnets and 4 baby Wrens (which were extremely cute and too quick to photograph!)
Some of you might not agree with this or cringe at the photos, but we thought it was funny, and don’t mind having another garden visitor π

Yep, we have a rat! We thought we’d seen one over the winter behind the shed, well now it’s showing itself during the day, hiding in the hedge and feeding on the fat left over in the bell – which the birds haven’t touched since we put it out! And before people start blaming us for encouraging rats by having bird seed on the ground etc etc, I suggest taking a look at our neighbours back garden with 3 wheelie bins always overflowing (and I mean ALWAYS)!! Anyway rant over, sorry π
So, that’s whats been happening chez Shazza – seriously though I would appreciate any advice regarding the disease as I just don’t know what to do.
Thanks π
That’s a real shame Sharon. I can’t really see what you can do that you are not already doing. Do make sure you keep the bird bath scrupulously clean as well as the feeders as it is thought to be a water borne disease, passed on in saliva etc. Other than that, which I suspect you have been doing anyway, I can’t think of anything else. Hopefully it was just a one off.
I do think you are lucky to have Linnets visiting the garden!
Hi Shaz.
It might not be Trichomonosis, I would continue feeding. If it looks like more birds are getting ill, all you can do is stop feeding for a week of so π
PS Rats are Cool!! π
Thanks ShySongbird – I understand what you’re saying about the water bowl etc & I do keep it clean & freshly filled, however most of the birds use next doors guttering as it regularly collects water! I’ve even seen a Sparrow bathing in water that’s collected inside a BBQ!
We now have 3 Linnets come down every day – they’re permanently glued to the Nyger feeder π
Thanks Warren – have to agree with you about the rats π
Maybe I am getting a little paranoid about the disease – I see a baby bird all fluffed up & immediately think they’ve got it π
The Greenfinch did look bad though – am going to keep an eye out for it & try to get a photo.
In the meantime I’ll do what you suggest & carry on feeding – thanks π
no advice at all I’m afraid – maybe try posting on a forum somewhere for advice. At least you’re still getting a variety of birds at your garden feeders, I still only get HSparrows and am over excited by a blue tit!
Sounds like a fine, musical and well cleaned garden. I suspect most are more like mine and seldom cared for! Is it possible that the source of the disease is elsewhere -maybe neighbours or even further afield?
I kinda like to see all animals in my garden, rats included.
Thanks Siobhan – I’m getting used to the number of Sparrows & Starlings now, I know what you mean about being over-excited when you see an old favourite… Blue Tit, LTT, Great Tit etc. I must admit I did a girlie shriek when I saw the Wrens π
I was thinking exactly the same thing Cliff – about the birds getting the disease elsewhere. I’m not sure if any of the neighbours are feeding the birds – I know the ones directly either side aren’t.
I haven’t seen the Greenfinch for a few days now, and the other birds appear to be okay so fingers crossed!
Thanks for your comment π
Very sad news, Shaz.
I got a sick Greenfinch recently, which then died in front of me (see blog) but I suspect it might have been a cat. I have now 5 of those monsters in the garden (after getting rid of my own, to save my birds.
But I know what you mean by suspecting every fluffed up bird is a potential victim to Tricho. That is how I look at them too, after having had the disease decimate my House Sparrow colony in 2007/08.
Linnets in the garden. Count yourself lucky girl.
I too failed to post regurly this summer, in the summer it is http://wildlifeonwheels.blogspot.com , my other blog that takes over. although I’ve not posted as much as usual there either this year.
Love the bell feeder! very unique, and I’d expect that a big hit with Blue and Coal Tits.
Try putting a little of the suet along the rim.
We had a rat in the house for a year or so. It was living behind the panelling underneath the sink, worktop and hob, so we were unable to get at it, but my homehelps wouldn’t go into the kitchen at night time, because of the scratching, so I had to call in help; he’s gone now.
Colin is beautiful, I think. I’m sure he has found a new home in your garden.
Your roast veggies must have been delicious indeed.